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dc.contributor.advisorFariyanti, Anna
dc.contributor.advisorAdhi, Andriyono Kilat
dc.contributor.authorJamilah, Mila
dc.description.abstractIndonesian orchid trade balance was positive since 2008-2012. One of The highest demand for orchid cut flowers is Vanda doughlas. Tangerang Selatan is the largest producer of Vanda doughlas in the Jabodetabek area. The purpose of this study are (1) to analyze the competitiveness of Vanda doughlas Orchid in Tangerang Selatan, (2) to analyze the government policy effect on competitiveness of Vanda doughlas Orchid in Tangerang Selatan,(3) and to analyze the effects of changes in input prices and the increase or decrease of production on competitiveness of Vanda doughlas Orchid in Tangerang Selatan. This study uses the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) and Sensitivity Analysis. The result shows that the Vanda doughlas of Tangerang Selatan has private benefit Rp927 976 392 per hectare and social benefit of Rp9 438 355 442 per hectare, it means that business of Vanda doughlas Orchid is beneficial in finance and economy. Vanda doughlas of Tangerang Selatan has Privat Cost Ratio (PCR) value 0.6089 and Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) Ratio 0.1352. It means that the Vanda doughlas of Tangerang Selatan has competitive advantage lower than comparative advantage but still has competitiveness. Government policy effect for output did not have great effect in increasing the competitivenes of Vanda doughlas in Tangerang Selatan. It is showed on Output Transfer (TO) value Rp-8 505 773 472 and Nominal Protection Coefficient Output (NPCO) 0.2189. Also, government policy effect for input have not been succeeded in increasing the competitivenes of Vanda doughlas in Tangerang Selatan. It can be showed on Input Transfer (TI) value Rp1 697 803, Factor Transfer (TF) Rp2 907 775, dan Nominal Protection Coefficient Input (NPCI) 1.1918. Same as before, government policy effect for output-input have not been increasing the competitivenes of Vanda doughlas in Tangerang Selatan. It can be showed on Effective Protection Coefficient (EPC) 0.2181, Net Transfer (TB) Rp-8 510 379 050, Provitablity Coefficient (PC) 0.0983, dan Subsidy Ratio to Producer (SRP) -3.4871. The increasing in prices of insecticides, inorganic fertilizer, and the decreasing in production about 10 percent may reduces comparative and competitive advantage (competitiveness) of the Vanda doughlas in Tangerang Selatan but it is still beneficial in finance and economy. Whereas, the increase in production output about 10 percent can raise comparative and competitive advantage (competitiveness) of Vanda douglas in Tangerang Selatan.en
dc.titleCompetitivenes Analysis and Government Policy Effect on Business of Vanda doughlas Orchid in Tangerang Selatanen
dc.subject.keywordVanda doughlasen
dc.subject.keywordPolicy Analysis Matrix (PAM)en

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