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dc.contributor.advisorBarus, Baba
dc.contributor.advisorBaskoro, Dwi Putro Tejo
dc.contributor.authorA k b a r
dc.description.abstractThe agricultural sector is an important sector in Bone regency as indicated by its dominancy in the Bone regency economic structure. The role of the agricultural sector to the economy of Bone is very large as compared to other sectors due its 47,73% contribution to the PDRB of Bone regency. About 55.58% of the total population is working in the agricultural sector. The potential of the agricultural sector in Bone regency is reflected by the fact that mostly area are agricultural land (rice field and agricultural drylands). Although with the very large potential of land and human resources, the productivity of food crops in Bone regency is still fluctuating relatively. Based on 2007 – 2011 BPS data, agricultural productivity sense experiencing negative trends. One of the factors affecting its productivity is the lack of agricultural infrastructure. In addition, the suitability of land for food crops has not been a major consideration in planning that impacted on the productivity and sustainability of agricultural crop products. Development of the agricultural sector can be done through leading commodity approach by considering the biophysical suitability, resources and government policy supported. This study aims to formulate the direction and strategy development leading commodity crops in Bone regency through: (1) Identify the leading food crops commodities in Bone Regency, (2) Identify availability of agricultural infrastructure and facilities, (3) Evaluate land suitability for food crops in Bone Regency, and (4) Develop guidelines and strategies for development of leading foods in Bone Regency. The analytical methods used are the LQ analysis, average area analysis, availability and consumption of food and synthesized by MCDM-TOPSIS, schallogram, land suitability, and A'WOT. To establish the leading commodity for the development of agricultural commodity crops, this research used Location Quotient analysis, average area analysis, availability and consumption of food and synthesized by MCDM-TOPSIS, schallogram, land suitability, and A'WOT. From the analysis it can be seen that the leading commodity food crops that could potentially be developed in Bone regency are paddy, corn and soybeans. Based on the analysis schallogram for the number, type and availability of infrastructure to support agriculture, most districts in Bone regency still do not have adequate infrastructure. From the analysis, there are only two districts which is the Hierarchy region I and 8 districts belong to Hierarchy II region and the remaining 17 districts belong to Hierarchy region III. Region I and II hierarchy generally have complete agricultural infrastructure while the Hierarchy III region has inadequate infrastructure. Based on the results of the analysis, the suitable and available land for development of paddy, is 95 068 ha (20.7% of the district). For the development of soybean and corn that are in the same area of land 73 317 ha (16.0%) and specific to soybean 3,934 ha (0.9% of the total area). Location development leading commodity crops of paddy, corn and soybeans are districts that in the region of Hierarchy is based on the development priorities based on analysis of LQ, availability of agricultural infrastructure and suitability and availability of land. The district includes Libureng, Kahu, Bengo, Salomekko, Ajangale, Ponre, Lappariaja, China, Tonra, Cenrana, Kajuara, Lamuru, Bontocani, Amali, Mare, Tellulimpoe and Patimpeng. Based on the results of the research it is necessary to change in the spatial planning for the suitable and unsuitable region for the development of food crops. With or without the change in the spatial planning several strategies for development of leading commodity crop in Bone regency are proposed as follow: (1) Utilizing potential of suitable land natural resources through intensification and extensification; (2) Establishing and revitalizing of agricultural infrastructure in region of Hierarchy III particulary for production facilities for cheap fertilizer, cheap seeds and agricultural machinery; (3) Increasing partnerships between stakeholders; and (4) Utilizing a strategic position in the area of import-export trade business products agriculture.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDevelopment of Leading Food Crops Commodity for Supporting Regional Development in Bone Regencyen
dc.subject.keywordAgricultural infrastructureen
dc.subject.keywordBone regencyen
dc.subject.keywordland suitabilityen
dc.subject.keywordleading commodity.en

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