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dc.contributor.advisorKhomsan, Ali
dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Budi
dc.contributor.advisorRiyadi, Hadi
dc.contributor.authorRosidi, Ali
dc.description.abstractThe negative impact of heavy physical exercise can increase the formation of free radicals. The imbalance between the number of free radicals formed in the body and the natural antioxidant capacity of the body 's ability can cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress of exercise can affect a physical fitness of athletes. Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb is known as a traditional medicine in the community. Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb has a potential of antioxidant. Some studies suggest curcumin content of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb has a protective effect on stress oxidative damage and improving physical fitness oksidasif. Therefore the aims of this study was to examine the effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb extract supplementation to prevent oxidative stress and improve physical fitness in athletes. Therefore the aims of this study was to examine the effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb extract supplementation to prevent oxidative stress and improve physical fitness in athletes. The study design used was a double-blind randomized controlled trial. A total 35 football athletes of PPLP (Student Training and Education Center) Salatiga, Central Java were enrolled. We grouped into 5 treatments, namely group I : placebo, group II : supplementation of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb extract contains curcumin (TECC) 250 mg/day, group III : TECC 500 mg/day, group IV: TECC 750 mg/day, group V: multivitamin and mineral (MVM with beta carotene 5000 UI, Vitamin E 200 UI, Vitamin C 500 mg, Zn 15 mg, selenium 50 mcg), group V: placebo capsules per day. Capsules had been given for 21 days. The results showed the extract Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb were 27.19 % curcumin content with 1.02 % rendement. The extract Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb had antioxidant activity of 87.01 ppm classified as an active and potentially good natural antioxidant. Before the intervention, the mean MDA levels were 953.65±355.76 ppm. After the intervention the mean MDA levels all of groups decreased, except for the placebo group. MDA levels of placebo group increased of 104.36±207.07 ppm. The highest decline of MDA levels found in TECC 750 mg was 243.49±170.18 ppm. Having tested with the paired t test, no differences in levels of MDA before and after the TECC 750 mg (p<0.05), but the other treatments did not differ significantly (p>0.05). Ancova test results showed that the decrease in MDA levels (adjusted) after intervention before the intervention affected the levels of MDA, SOD and variations of treatment (p<0.05), but other variables the effect is not significant (p>0.05). LSD post-hoc test showed that the average reduction in MDA levels (adjusted) after the intervention was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the 750 mg group compared to the group TECC 500 mg and MVM, although the placebo group and 250 mg did not differ TECC significantly (p>0.05). Mean lactic acid levels before intervention was 3.44±0.73 mmol/L. After the intervention the mean lactic acid levels are increased in order placebo and TECC 250 mg respectively of 0.30±0.69 mmol/L and 0.24±0.30 mmol/L, while the group that experienced a decrease in the order is TECC 750 mg, MVM and TECC 500 mg amounted to 0.80±0.73 mmol/L, 0.40±1.34 mmol/L, and 0.04 ± 0.55 mmol/L. Paired t test on the test there is a difference of lactic acid levels before and after the intervention on TECC 750 mg (p<0.05), but the other treatments no differences (p>0.05). Ancova test showed that the decrease in lactic acid levels after intervention (adjusted) is influenced by the initial lactic acid levels and variations of treatment (p<0.05). LSD post-hoc test showed that the decrease in lactic acid levels (adjusted) in the TECC 750 mg group lower compared with placebo, TECC 250 mg and TECC 500 mg (p<0.05), although with MVM was not significantly different (p> 0.05). The mean score of physical fitness prior to the intervention of 449.26±27.49. After the intervention, the mean score increased physical fitness found in all treatment groups, except in the group treated with a placebo decrease of 13.29±22.76. The highest increase in the mean score of physical fitness MVM treatment group by 34±18.51, while the lowest in the TECC 750 mg treatment group by 4.71±25.87. In the treatment of ginger extracts the highest increase in TECC 500 mg for 20.14±21.90. In the test there are differences in paired t test mean score of physical fitness before and after the intervention on TECC 500 mg and MVM (p<0.05), but the other treatments no differences (p>0.05). Ancova test results indicate that the increase in physical fitness scores after the intervention (adjusted) is influenced by physical fitness scores before the intervention, the difference in lactic acid levels and variations of treatment (p<0.05). LSD post-hoc test showed that the increase in physical fitness scores (adjusted) in the treatment group TECC 500 mg and MVM higher than the TECC 750 mg (p<0.05), although the other treatment groups were not significantly different (p>0.05). The conclusion is that Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb is a good natural antioxidant. Intervention Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb extracts may reduce levels of MDA, and lactic acid levels compared with multivitamins and control. Giving curcumin extracts of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb with levels of 750 mg / day are best in reducing MDA levels and lactic acid. Intervention Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb extract minerals and multivitamins can improve physical fitness scores compared to placebo. Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb extract with curcumin concentration of 500 mg / day are best in improving physical fitness scores, but an increase in physical fitness scores are still under treatment multivitamin mineral administration. The necessity of socializing ginger as an herb that has benefits for health and physical fitness can therefore be used as a supplement Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb mandatory consumed on sports training centers and sports clubs with a dose of curcumin content of 500 mg / day.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe effect of extract of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb on Oxidative Stress and Physical Fitness of Athletes.en
dc.subject.keywordCurcuma xanthorrhiza Roxben
dc.subject.keywordphysical fitnessen
dc.subject.keywordoxidative stressen

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