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dc.contributor.advisorHaryanto, Toto
dc.contributor.advisorEffendi, Irzal
dc.contributor.authorHitmawati, Suci
dc.description.abstractGrowth-out is the final segment in gouramy culture which results in consumption-sized gouramy with a minimum weight of 500 g/fish. This research develops an expert system designed to record and use the knowledge, experience, and expertise of aquaculturist to determine the feasibility of gouramy growth-out culture in accordance with technical, legal, social, cultural, and financial aspects. The utilized inference method is Tsukamoto Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with trapezoid curve. Meanwhile, weighted average is used as the defuzzification method. Seven parameters, namely technical temperature, ammonia (NH3), disolved oxygen (DO), alkalinity, puissance negative de H (pH), water depth, and height are the fuzzy parameters which are then processed with 11 rules defined by expert to analyze the result of the qualification. This expert system is able to analyze the feasibility of gouramy growth-out culture and already approaching the capability of expert.en
dc.titleSistem Pakar Penentuan Kelayakan Usaha Budi Daya Pembesaran Ikan Guramien
dc.subject.keywordfuzzy inference system (FIS)en

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