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dc.contributor.advisorSandra, Edhi
dc.contributor.authorMeilani, Vita
dc.description.abstractThe experiment was conducted at Laboratory of Tissue Culture Esha Flora Bogor, from June until November 2013 to study the sterilization and the combination hormone cytokinin BAP, 2,4-D auxin, and gibberellins GA effect to successful callus induction of Nepenthes mirabilis Lour. in aceptic condition. Statistical processing performed to sterilization treatment and the combination of hormones used randomized complete design consisting of 10 treatments 3 replications. Sterilization procedures are recommended from this study is that using leaf of adult plants with 1-1.5 cm pieces for explants and passed through a quarantine period of 21 days, sterilizing materials such as detergents 1gr/100ml for 5 minutes, systemic fungicides 1gr/100ml for 15 minutes, systemic bactericidal 1gr/100ml for 15 minutes, 20ml/100ml antibiotics for 17 hours, HgCl₂ 10ml/100ml for 5 minutes, 5% clorox for 5 minutes, flushing each 3 minutes and final flushing 5 times each 3 minutes. The best planting medium and suitable for callus induction of N. mirabilis is 1/5 MS + 1 BAP + 1 2,4-D + 2 ml glycine + 200 mg casein.en
dc.titlePengaruh Sterilisasi dan Kombinasi Hormon pada Eksplan Kantong Semar (Nepenthes mirabilis Lour.) secara In Vitroen
dc.subject.keywordtissue cultureen
dc.subject.keywordpitcher plantsen
dc.subject.keywordcallus inductionen

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