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dc.contributor.advisorPamoengkas, Prijanto
dc.contributor.authorSari, Gusti Dianda
dc.description.abstractMassive utilization of forest resources became one factor which caused degradation on natural forest. Forest degradation which occurred continuously could cause a change in forest composition. This could happen because seedling from invasive species dominated the area of natural forest. This research aimed to determine the composition and structure recovery of forest stands managed by TPTJ system on area of IUPHHK-HA PT. Suka Jaya Makmur, West Kalimantan. The results showed that non-commercial Dipterocarp species group had the biggest value of density and proportion among all levels Dipterocarp. Curve diameter distribution showed a balanced logged forest. The diversity in all plotarea was high. Kelampai and meranti were dominated in canopy level. Jambu monyet and kelampai were the species that dominated in seedling level. Tree and seedling had a different composition, it was shown by the ID value at >50%. This was shown by cluster analysis which divided into four groups. Commercial species proportion was generally larger than other non-commercial species.en
dc.titlePemulihan Vegetasi di Areal Hutan yang Dikelola dengan Sistem TPTJ (Studi Kasus di Areal IUPHHK-HA PT. Suka Jaya Makmur, Kalimantan Barat)en
dc.subject.keywordselective cutting and line plantingen
dc.subject.keywordvegetation recoveryen
dc.subject.keywordforest utilizationen

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