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dc.contributor.advisorRachmawati, Eva
dc.contributor.advisorSunkar, Arzyana
dc.contributor.authorWiratama, Cahya
dc.description.abstractPramuka Island is a small island that has limited natural resources and act as a buffer area of Thousand Islands National Park (TNKpS). Any tourist activity has had an impact on developments in the business of tourism. Therefore, in such case, it is necessary to have conservation added value for tourism business in small islands with limited resources to support natural resources sustainability. Data collection was performed through interviews, participant observation as well as literature studies. This study showed that the type of services within the tourism business that were mainly developed was boat rental business while for growth of infrastructures, was dominated by lodgings, which actually is the fast growing tourism business within the island. Natural resources that are mostly utilized by these businesses were coral reefs. As a whole, tourism-related businesses that supports the ecology of Pramuka Island, hence has conservation values attached to them were: travel services, tour guides, souvenirs, transplantation of coral reefs and mangrove seedlings. These tourism business rely heavily on the resources of the TNKpSen
dc.titleNilai Konservasi Ragam Usaha Wisata Alam di Pulau Pramuka Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakartaen
dc.subject.keywordtourism business.en
dc.subject.keywordPramuka Islanden
dc.subject.keywordconservation valueen
dc.subject.keywordbuffer zoneen

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