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dc.contributor.advisorNandika, Dodi
dc.contributor.advisorKarlinasari, Lina
dc.contributor.authorSiregar, Basa Nova Tria
dc.description.abstractShade trees take an important role in urban ecosystem for its function on social, economy and ecology. It also have worth value to provide aesthetic, cool, and enjoyment in urban area. On the other hand the condition of this shade trees were lost attention. Therefor monitoring and evaluation of tree health is became important as a part of tree management. A study was conducted to evaluate health condition of shade trees in Bandar Lampung using visual assesment as well as sonic wave propagation measurement. Eighteen road were choosen as the sample road based on density of shade trees. The result showed that angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) was the dominant species that found 53% of one hundred sample of shade trees. The major deterioration symptoms that appear in trees were epiphytes attack (1%), hollow (1%), cavity (2%), and cancer (2%). Non-destructive evaluation by using PiCUS Sonic Tomograph showed that 70% of shade trees were in healthy condition as indicated with solid wood persentage above 75% from tomogram image.en
dc.titleEvaluasi Kesehatan Pohon Peneduh di Kota Bandar Lampung Berbasis Sonic Tomographyen
dc.subject.keywordvisual assesmenten
dc.subject.keywordtomogram imageen
dc.subject.keywordshade treesen

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