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dc.contributor.authorSiskandar, Ridwan
dc.description.abstractAn automatic dryer system model has been designed and realized with the dimension 50 cm x 50 cm with louvre roof models for the drying process of agricultural products based on microcontroller ATMega8535. The system worked through a microcontroller commands originating from the sensor. The sensor used is BST films prepared by Chemical Solution Deposition method (CSD) and spin coating at 3000 rpm rotational speed for 30 seconds with varying substrate treatment (enhancement (non-heated) and depletion (heated at 800 °C)) and the temperature of the heating at 800 °C, 850 °C and 900 °C for 15 hours. Furthermore, films that were obtainedthen were characterized as a light sensor and a temperature sensor. Film enhancemant-850 °C (best film characterization) was used as a light sensor and a temperature sensor. This automatic dryer system model was composed of a hardware and software. Light sensor, temperature sensor, microcontroller ATMega8535, servo motors, relays, and dryer are part of the hardware that was used. The software that was used was made using software Code Vision AVR C language C as the programming language. In principle, when the power supply was turned on, the power supply provided the required input voltage of each electronic circuit that was used. The system used two pieces of BST films that were used as a light sensor and a temperature sensor. BST light sensor will detect the presence or absence of light received, while the BST temperature sensor was used to read the changes in the room temperature conditioning system automatically. Data received from a light sensor BST and a temperature sensor BST then sent to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will process the data that was read from both BST sensor. When data read from the BST light sensor is bright, the microcontroller will give the command to each servo motor to open right and left side of the roof. The microcontroller also will give the command to disable the relay driver so that the dryer is off. If the data read from the BST light sensor is dark, then the microcontroller will give the command to each servo motor to close right and left side of the roof. The microcontroller also will give the command to activate the relay driver so the dryer is on. When the data read from the BST light sensor is dark, if the data read from the BST temperature sensor is ≤ 60 °C, the microcontroller will give the command to activate the relay driver so the dryer is on. If the data read from the BST temperature sensor > 60 °C, the microcontroller will give the command to turned off the relay driver so that the dryer is turned off until the data is read by the BST temperature sensor reaches 30°C. When the data read by BST temperature sensor <30 °C then the microcontroller will give the command to reactivate the relay driver so the dryer is on.en
dc.titleSynthesis and Application of Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 Film as Light Sensor and Temperature Sensor In Auto Dryer System Model of Agricultural Products Based on Microcontroller ATMega8535en
dc.subject.keywordoperational amplifiersen
dc.subject.keywordliquid crystal displayen

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