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dc.contributor.advisorBudiaman, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorSudrajad, Agung
dc.description.abstractMeasurement of residual stand damage aims to know the structure and composition of natural forest stands due to logging. The objective of this study are to measure the degree of residual stand damages use fixed square and circular dynamic plot, indentify type of residual stand damage, measuring of opened areas and length impact caused by felling. This study showed that the degree of residual stand damage in fixed square plot, respectively, for seedlings and saplings 3.66%, for poles 5.52% and 4.26% for trees. Meanwhile, the degree of residual stand damage in dynamic circular plot, respectively, for seedlings and saplings 2.33%, 4.21% for poles, and 2.86% for trees. Circular plot results more accurate data because it has standard error and ceofficient of variance smaller than square plot. All types of damage occurred in both plot. Greatest type of damage is crowns broken and smallest type is buttress and roots broken. The degree of opened areas caused by felling, respectively, square plot is 365.69 m2/ha, and 523.09 m2/plot for circular plot. Base on this study, length impact caused by felling is 69.24 m or 1.63 total height of tree felled.en
dc.titlePengukuran Kerusakan Tegakan Tinggal Akibat Penebangan Intensitas Rendah Menggunakan Dua Bentuk dan Ukuran Plot yang Berbedaen
dc.subject.keywordlength impacten
dc.subject.keywordtree fellingen
dc.subject.keywordResidual stand damageen

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