Cadangan Karbon Pada Hutan Rakyat Mitra PT. BUMN Hijau Lestari Unit Arjasari Kabupaten Bandung
PT. BUMN Hijau Lestari as a company engaged in the ecobusiness field based sustainable environment need to find out the amount of carbon stock of private forest in Arjasari Unit in order to measure the extent to which the company and the community contribute to the preservation of the environment. Purposive sampling used for data collection toward each household land in 15 KMK Arjasari units for five tree species such as avocado, durian, jabon, jackfruit, and petai. The purpose of this study is to find out the carbon stok estimation using per tree method and midpoint diameter calculation method. The result shows that the biomass, carbon stock, and CO2 sequestration, value, consecutively are 335.90 ton, 154.12 ton, and 565.60 ton. The diameter midpoint calculation method can not be applied for estimation of biomass, carbon stock, and CO2 sequestration in private forest partner of PT. BUMN Hijau Lestari, because it has significant different against value within calculation result using per tree method.
- UT - Forest Management [3089]