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dc.contributor.advisorMurtini, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorSoejoedono, Retno D.
dc.contributor.authorPrasetyo, M Denny Sapto
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to determine the ability of organic acid liquid to inactivate Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). The first study was toxicity of organic acid in embryonated chicken because the second study were used embryonated chicken eggs to evaluate the capability of organic acid to inactivate NDV. Toxicity of organic acid was conducted by inoculated organic acid liquid concentration 0%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4% in 5 eggs/concentration in allantoic cavity. The variable of the observation of toxicity test was the mortality 5 and embryo body weight. The ability test of organic acid to inactivated NDV was conducted in 50 embryonated eggs. The eggs were divided into 5 groups with each groups contains 10 eggs as much as 2mL. NDV titre 105 EID50/mL were incubated with organic acid 0%, 0.2%, 0.3%, and 0,4% equal volume in room temperature (27 ºC) for 30 minutes. Each suspension were inoculated in the 10 embryonated eggs and incubated for 2-7 days. At days two 5 embryonated eggs from each concentration of organic acid which still live were chilled at 4°C and then observed the present of virus, patological changed, and embryo weight. The 5 eggs from each group were incubated until days 7. On day 7 all eggs were chilled at 4°C and then observed the growth of virus, patological changed, and embryo weight. The result showed that organic acid concentration 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% inactivated 50%, 100%, and 90% NDV. The conclusion of this research was organic acid liquid at the concentration 0.3% effective to inactivate NDV in vitro.en
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari kemampuan asam organik cair dalam menginaktivasi virus Newcastle Disease (ND). Pengujian diawali dengan uji toksisitas asam organik pada embrio ayam menggunakan telur embrio tertunas (TET). Uji dilakukan menggunakan TET karena pengujian kemampuan inaktivasi asam organik terhadap virus ND dilakukan pada telur ayam berembrio. Uji toksisitas asam organik dilakukan dengan menginokulasikan asam organik konsentrasi 0%, 0.2%, 0.3%, dan 0.4% kedalam masing-masing 5 butir telur dengan rute ruang allantois. Peubah yang diamati pada uji toksisitas adalah daya hidup dan bobot badan embrio. Uji kemampuan inaktivasi asam organik terhadap virus ND dilakukan pada 50 butir TET yang dibagi kedalam 5 kelompok masing-masing kelompok 10 butir. Virus ND titer 105 EID50/mL diinkubasi sebanyak 2 mL dengan asam organik 0%, 0.2%, 0.3%, dan 0.4% sebanyak 2 mL kemudian di inkubasikan pada suhu 27 ºC selama 30 menit. Masing-masing suspensi diinokulasi kedalam 10 TET dan di inkubasikan selama 2-7 hari. Setelah 2 hari 5 butir telur dari masing-masing konsentrasi asam organik yang belum mati dimatikan dan diamati adanya pertumbuhan virus dan perubahan patologi anatomi serta bobot badan embrio. Sisa TET yang masih hidup di inkubasikan sampai hari ke 7. Pada hari ke 7 semua TET dimatikan dan diamati adanya pertumbuhan virus dan perubahan patologi anatomi serta bobot badan embrio. Hasil toksisitas menunjukkan bahwa asam organik konsentrasi 0.2%-0.4% tidak menyebabkan kematian embrio. Asam organik konsentrasi 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% masing-masing mampu menginaktivasi 50%, 100%, dan 90% virus ND. Dari hasil uji ini menunjukkan asam organik cair konsentrasi 0.3% dapat meninaktivasi virus ND secara in vitro.
dc.titleEfektivitas Asam Organik Cair dalam Menginaktivasi Virus Newcastle Diseaseen
dc.subject.keywordNewcastle Diseaseen
dc.subject.keywordOrganic Aciden
dc.subject.keywordInactivated Virusen
dc.subject.keywordEmbryo Chickenen

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