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dc.contributor.advisorHadi, Setia
dc.contributor.authorMaulana, Achmad Firman
dc.description.abstractCoal mining with open pit mining systems can change landscape form and soil layers, causing erosion, deprive of vegetation, and land degradation. On the other hand, mining activities have some positive impacts, such as increase national income, improve providing job, provision of energy and economic growth. Refering to such changes need to be made efforts of reclamation. This study located in a post mining areas in Sebuku Island, South Kalimantan Province.The method of this study based on planning process by Gold (1980), consist of preparation, site inventory, site analysis, synthesis, and landscape planning. Descriptive analysis conducted in all aspects, such as land use, topography, and hydrology. Analysis of carrying capacity according to Boulon in Nurisjah, Pramukanto, and Sukijat (2003), calculated based on the average standar of individual within m2/person. The area is suitable to be developed as ‘wana wisata’ based on educative, recreative and conservative by utilizing site-surrounding condition such as lake and post mining high wall which equipped with services facilities for visitors with the sense of natural landscape that are safe and convinient to support the sustainability of the reclamation. The result is a landscape planning that divided the site into 4 zones: welcome area with space covering an area of 1.57 ha, educational tourism zone 6.37 ha, recreation zone 2.32 ha, and conservation zone 170.74 ha. The activity developed on the site consist of indoor and outdoor educational tourism, recreation, and supporting tourism.en
dc.titlePerencanaan Lanskap Bekas Tambang Batubara Sebagai Kawasan Wana Wisata di Desa Mandin Kecamatan Pulau Sebuku Kalimantan Selatanen
dc.subject.keywordpost miningen
dc.subject.keywordLandscape planningen

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