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dc.contributor.advisorTarigan, Suria Darma
dc.contributor.advisorWijanarto, Antonius Bambang
dc.contributor.authorSudrajat, Ajat
dc.description.abstractBangka Island is an area that had been assessed to be a feasibility site for nuclear power plant in Indonesia. Although the area is located far from the ring of fire’s the impact of an earthquake is still felt, however needed to be examined. There were not many earthquake epicenters that occurred in this island. The purpose of this study is to determine earthquake hazard areas using Geographical Information System model. The methodology used to determine earthquake hazard areas is based on Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) analysis model which requires different input variables that were implied. The model inputs include slope, earthquake intensity, predominant period, amplification factors, lithology and fault distance. The weight and rank values are assigned to the layers and to the classes of each layer respectively. Based on the final earthquake hazard areas map, hazardous areas in Bangka Island are located in north and south parts of the study area. The areas belong to the feasibility site for nuclear power plant is categorized moderate earthquake damage areas. The results cannot be expected to be completely accurate but can provide a good representation of the process. Validation of results will inevitably be difficult and should be measured in the field. The information resulting from this study could be useful for raising awareness about hazard and possible mitigation measure, a key component of disaster risk reduction planning.en
dc.titleGIS Approach To Determine The Earthquake Hazard Areas in Feasibility Site for Nuclear Power Plant in Bangka Islanden

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