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dc.contributor.advisorSarma, Ma’mun
dc.contributor.authorPutra, Mas Nendhy Herdianto
dc.description.abstractKUR is a non collateral financing wehere as government guarantees the 70 percent of the interest is not subsidized by the government. Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) can be given for working capital and investment purposes. KUR Kredit Modal Kerja (KMK) is one of the products in the form of working capital loans provided by Bank BRI to the small and medium entreprises to develop their business become bigger again, both individual and group efforts. Bank BRI to finance focus only current assets and additions , in the form of accounts receivable and inventories . The purpose of the study is: to analyze internal and external factors affecting the KUR - KMK at Bank BRI Pajajaran Bogor branch and to recommend an appropriate marketing strategy as an option that can be recommended decision to the Bank BRI Bogor Pajajaran Branch. Sampling method was purposive sampling, the method of determination of the sample based on certain criteria. Giving the questionnaire given to the five respondents consisted of Branch Manager, Resident Audit, Credit Administration Supervisor, Accounts Officer, Credit Administration. The methods used in data processing are a matrix IFE , EFE matrix, SWOT matrix, and the method of AHP. Results horizontal processing element of strategy to the objectives of alternative strategies that affect maintain customer loyalty is the development of a market to boost the promotion of personal selling to increase the number of customers (0,319), the next alternative strategy is to simplify and speed up the disbursement process (0,14), providing specialized services to the customers (0,104), maximizing the extensive networks in order to increase the number of loan and deposit portfolio by way of partnership (0,101), maximizing customers needs (0,006) and tighten credit terms in order to avoid the risk of default (0,005).en
dc.titleStrategi Pemasaran Kredit Usaha Rakyat Kredit Modal Kerja (KUR – KMK) Pada PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Bogor Pajajaran.en
dc.subject.keywordKUR kredit modal kerjaen
dc.subject.keywordmarketing strategyen

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