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Strategy and development program of marine tourism in Natuna Regency

dc.contributor.advisorSyaukat, Yusman
dc.contributor.advisorDahuri, Rokhmin
dc.description.abstractNatuna Regency, located in the province of Riau Islands, has a great potential for the development of nature tourism and marine tourism. Currently the potential in this sector has not contributed significantly to the region development. The largest revenue of Natuna’s is from the fund balance of 90.53 percent, which is mostly obtained from the shared profits of oil and gas. Natuna’s dependence on oil and gas is very vulnerable and can not continuously be maintained because these natural resources of oil and gas has a certain period of time and can not be renewed, so the natural resources for tourism can be an alternative source of regional revenue (PAD) and a sector that can contribute to economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction and then become the development priorities in Natuna regency in the future. At present, the tourism sector in Natuna is undeveloped, not yet focused on one location and there is no appropriate strategy and development program of marine tourism to be implemented. However, Natuna has a great potential for the development of marine tourism, i.e., there are eight potential locations for the development of marine tourism. The objectives of this study were 1) to identify the location of marine tourism objects to be prioritized for development, 2) to examine the internal and external factors of development marine tourism in Natuna regency, 3) to formulate alternative strategies in the development of marine tourism in Natuna, 4) to determine the strategies and programs that can be implemented by the local government to develop marine tourism in Natuna regency. The study used the analysis of Respondents Perceptions Index on four factors: Attractions, Amenity, Accessibility and Ancillary; Internal and External Analysis (IFE - EFE), SWOT Analysis; and QSPM Analysis (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). The results of the questionnaire data processing showed that the location of the marine attraction to be the first priority for development is the Gulf Coast of Selahang because it has quite good tourist attraction and the best accessibility compared to other locations. The second priority is Senoa Island because it has a good tourist attraction but the transportation accessing to the site and tourism supporting facilities at this location are not yet available. Further, the analysis of internal factors indicated that the greatest strength is the potential of attractive nature tourism and marine tourism that can be developed to provide economic benefits for the people of Natuna Regency, while the greatest weakness is the limited supporting tourism infrastructure and facilities, thus requiring some improvement in the prioritized locations. Next, the external key factor as the biggest opportunity is a government policy that motivates the regional tourism programs expected to encourage the development of marine tourism in Natuna regency, while the greatest threat to the development of marine tourism is the access to the Natuna Regency, which is still difficult. 6 From the resulted analysis of internal and external factors through the IFEEFE and SWOT matrix, six alternative strategies were formulated. Then, from the results of QSPM analysis, a sequence of priorities was obtained, namely: 1) to facilitate accessibility and building tourism infrastructure and facilities, 2) to develop a marine tourism on land and marine conservation areas available, 3) to enhance cooperation with the surrounding regions that have grown to open tourism track to Natuna, 4) to improve the quality of human resources that manage tourism especially marine tourism, 5) to make effective budget to build a community-based marine tourism, 6) to enhance cooperation between the government, private sectors and communities for sustainable marine tourism..en
dc.titleStrategi dan program pengembangan pariwisata bahari di Kabupaten Natunaen
dc.titleStrategy and development program of marine tourism in Natuna Regency
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en

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