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dc.contributor.advisorWahyudi, Imam
dc.contributor.authorSari, Tristiana Dwi Nurdhita
dc.description.abstractWood is a product of tree metabolism. It varies among species, between trees of similar species and also within a single stem. Besides genetic factor, another factor that affecting these variabilities is growing condition and maturation level of the cells. Wood variation within a single stem of the tree will be increased dues to the existence of natural defect such as reaction wood, which can affect the entire characteristics and quality of the wood. Since study of reaction wood in tropical plantation wood species is very limited, this research aims to determine anatomical structure, fiber morphology and some physical properties of tension wood of terap (A. odoratissimus). The results are then compared to those of the opposite wood. The result shows that only MFA and wood density are varied between tension- and opposite woods. MFA of the tension wood are 14.83% greater than that of opposite wood, while wood density is 10.42% greater than that of the opposite wood. Compared to those of normal wood, fiber length of tension wood is shorther, but their MFA, specific gravity and wood density are bigger.en
dc.titleStruktur Anatomi dan Sifat Fisis Kayu Reaksi pada Kayu Terap (Artocarpus odoratissiumus) Asal Kalimantan Selatanen
dc.subject.keywordfiber lengthen
dc.subject.keywordArtocarpus odoratissimusen
dc.subject.keywordtension wooden
dc.subject.keywordopposite wooden

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