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dc.contributor.advisorRahayu, Winiati P.
dc.contributor.advisorKusumaningrum, Harsi D.
dc.contributor.authorRahmawaty, Lely
dc.description.abstractIn the era of free trade, Indonesian fishery products face challenges to improve competitiveness, in quality of product and production efficiency. The biggest challenge for Indonesian fishery products in the era of free trade is food safety. Although the Indonesian government has required the fisheries supply chain to implement the HACCP quality system through the Integrated Quality Management Program (IQMP) in 1998 based on HACCP concept, but Indonesia still face rejection fishery products in the United States. In 2010 – 2012 recorded 1203 cases of refusal fishery products from FDA (Food and Drug Administration). United States is the main export of Indonesian fishery products. This study aims to analysis fishery products rejection case supported by case study and to design a recommendation on food safety strategy development of fishery products export to United State. Use data collection method and gap analysis to design the recommendation food safety strategy development of fishery products export to the United States. The results of data collection indicate that Indonesian products rejection by FDA in 2010, 2011, and 2012 has fluctuated, 351 cases in 2010, 587 in 2011, and 541 cases in 2012. In percentage 83, 84, and 77% dominated by fishery products. The highest cause of rejection in 2010 are filthy (41 % or 118 cases) and Salmonella (37% or 108 cases), in 2011 are filthy (30 % or 146 cases) and Salmonella (64% or 315 cases), and 2012 are filthy (42 % or 176 cases) and Salmonella (27% or 111 cases). Cause of rejection related to GMP, sanitation and HACCP documentation and implementation. The case study on application of HACCP system in PT. AAA found 8 gaps of FDA regulation (21 CFR 123, FDA Food Code 2009 and the Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance) which indicates the failure of implementation of HACCP systems due to differences in standards, regulations and auditing HACCP certification. Based on the gap analysis between the existing regulation for fishery products in Indonesia and FDA regulation, 7 (seven) recommendations are proposed. They are 1) effective implementation of National Single Window (NSW), 2) establish a simple and comprehensive regulatory, 3) harmonization of HACCP standards, 4) the accreditation of ISO 17021 for HACCP Certification Bodies, 5) the provision of infrastructure of product certification, 6) improve laboratory infrastructure and 7) build MoU cooperation development with United State of America.en
dc.titleFood safety strategy development of fishery products export to the United Statesen
dc.subject.keywordfishery productsen
dc.subject.keywordstrategy policy.en

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