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dc.contributor.advisorFarajallah, Achmad
dc.contributor.advisorWowor, Daisy
dc.contributor.authorSusilo, Vendi Eko
dc.description.abstractFreshwater crabs are members of the order Decapoda, sub order Brachyura. They can be found in all freshwater bodies. They can also adapt to semi-terrestrial and terrestrial environments. The diversity of freshwater crabs has declined due to habitat changes. Jambi province is an area with high deforestation rate compared to other Asian regions. The deforestation causes habitat fragmentation which alters the biota composition, both terrestrial and aquatic biota. The aims of this study were to study the diversity of freshwater crab in the Regencies of Batanghari and Sorolangun of Jambi in several habitats type. The study was conducted in rubber plantations, oil palm plantations, community forests and secondary forests located at the Regencies of Batanghari and Sorolangun. The specimens were collected by using hand net and fish trap which were preserved in 70% alcohol. The environmental factors observed were altitude (m), brightness (m), velocity (m/second), temperature (°C), depth (m), width (m), pH and substrate type. In Batanghari and Sorolangun Regency, was found 5 species of freshwater crabs that consisted of Parathelphusa tridentata, P. batamensis, P. maindroni, P. maculata and Geosesarma sp. through morphological identification. Based on mitochondrial COI gene analysis, P. batemensis and P. maindroni have nucleotide difference 1.45% (8 nt). In Batanghari Regency, the environmental factors affecting the distribution of P. batamensis were pH, temperature and width of the river, while the distribution of P. maculata, P. tridentata, and Geosesarma sp was affected only by depth; and P. maindroni was altitude. In Sorolangun Regency, the environmental factors affecting the distribution of Geosesarma sp and P. maculata were velocity, the distribution of P. batamensis and P. tridentata was affected by depth and brightness, while the distribution of P. maindroni was influenced by altitude. The highest freshwater crab diversity was found in community forest of both regencies. The lowest freshwater crab diversity was found in oil palm plantation habitat in Sorolangun Regency. The community structure of freshwater crab in Batanghari and Sorolangun Regencies was different in each habitat. Parathelphusa batamensis was found in all habitat types in both regencies. The results of the Multiple Comparisons test showed that In Batanghari Regency there were differences in number of individual crab among community forest and oil palm plantation (P<0.01), as well as at community forest and rubber plantation. In Sorolangun Regency, the number individual of crabs among rubber plantation and secondary forest (SF) were significantly different (P<0.001).en
dc.titleThe diversity of freshwater crab (Crustacea Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Regencies of Batanghari and Sorolangun, Jambi Provinceen

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