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dc.contributor.advisorSyaukat, Yusman
dc.contributor.advisorHendrakusumaatmadja, Sutara
dc.contributor.authorKusvita, Teti Sri
dc.description.abstractLocal government of the district of Bogor had determined Minapolitan Area Development program in 2010, which was located in four sub-districts, Ciseeng, Parung, Gunung Sindur and Kemang. This study is intended to evaluate performance of such development after 2 years of implementation and to formulate the strategies and programs to improve its performance in the future. The specific objectives of the research are as follows: (1) to evaluate the achievement of development and sustainability of the Minapolitan Development Program, (2) to identify internal and external factors that influence the performance of Minapolitan development program in Bogor District and (3) to formulate the strategies and programs to improve the performance of the Minapolitan development program.The research was conducted between November 2012 and Februari 2013 in Minapolitan Area, Bogor District, West Java. The informations were collected through a survey and interview 110 catfish raisers and 9 key informans. The data were analized and presented descriptively. Results of the study showed that a totally 37 attributes of sustainable minapolitan development were identifield and analyzed, which consist of 8 agro-industry attributes, 6 marketing attributes, 8 agro-business attributes, 8 infrastructure attributes, and 7 superstructure attributes, the results indicated that the sustainablility index was 73.6, meaning that management status of Minapolitan was quite sustainable. Infrastructure dimension and superstructure dimension were categorized under “sustainable” condition, while the other and dimensions were under “a sufficiently sustainable” conditions. Analysis of external and internal factors in SWOT Matrix lead to 7 alternative strategies of Minapolitan development program in the future. Then, major development strategies of the program was determined through analysis Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) that produced three main strategies: (1) market development and increasing the product competitiveness, (2) increasing production capacity and (3) strengthening the institutional capacity.en
dc.titleEvaluation and development strategies of minapolitan area in Bogor Districten

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