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dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Sonni
dc.contributor.advisorBudianto, Bregas
dc.contributor.authorHalimah, Nur
dc.description.abstractThe accuracy of weather and climate data is very important to note. Suitability and feasibility of a station climatology became the basis for the accuracy of the data obtained. So the feasibility of a station climatology needs to be tested whether the area around the station has a direct influence on the observations. The purpose of the implementation of this study was to analyze the effect of traffic activity to air temperature observed at the observation station climatology Baranangsiang Bogor. The variation in air temperature can be explained by the amount of solar radiation, but can be influenced by other factors too. Location of observation stations climatological Baranangsiang is beside Padjadjaran highway so it can be assumed that other factors affecting the air temperature at the station is traffic activity. The results of analysis air temperature on holidays and weekdays leave a difference on observations in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Thus, traffic activity in the Bogor does affect the character of the air temperature at the station climatology Baranangsiang. Therefore, data from observation stations can not be used to represent weather and climate data at Bogor area.en
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Aktivitas Lalu Lintas terhadap Suhu Udara di Stasiun Observasi Klimatologi Baranangsiang Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordTraffic activityen
dc.subject.keywordThe city of Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordFeasibility station climatologyen
dc.subject.keywordAir temperatureen

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