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dc.contributor.advisorSetiyono, Agus
dc.contributor.advisorSubangkit, Mawar
dc.description.abstractThis study aims were to describe histopathological lesions of the brain and lungs of hamster and mice were infected with bacterium Coxiella burnetii using Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry (IHC) technique. A total of 3 groups of experimental animals, consists of group I (hamster A), group II (hamster B), and group III (mice). Group I infected with bacterium Coxiella burnetii, maintained for 5 days then were euthanazied by 0.25 ml diazepam and colected brain and lungs to be the first sample. Spleen of this group was extracted and infected to group II. This procedure was repeated from group II to group III. The results showed lesions in the form of infiltration of inflammatory cells, congestion, hemorrhage, edema, and necrosis of the brain in all three groups of animals with different levels of severity. Lesions in the lung organ showed infiltration of inflammatory cells, congestion, hemorrhage, emphysema, and edema. IHK staining showed positive results in both brain and lungs whether hamsters or mice.en
dc.titleStudi Histopatologi Organ Otak dan Paru-Paru Hamster dan Mencit yang Diinfeksi Coxiella burnetiien
dc.subject.keywordCoxiella burnetiien

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