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dc.contributor.advisorNoviana, Deni
dc.contributor.advisorSoehartono, R Harry
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Nur Fitri
dc.description.abstractBiodegradation of metal implants is metal corrosion process due to the reaction between the metal with the substances in the environment, especially the environment of the body. The aim of this study is to examine the biodegradation behavior of iron based metal implants in mice. This study used 40 adult male ddy mice 30-35g. Mice were divided into 4 groups, Fe (iron wire) n=12, Fe-Cr (iron coated by chromium) n=12, SS 316L (stainless steel) n=12, and control (n=4). The implantation of materials was placed the hip area/intramuscularly (IM) and thigh area/subcutaneously (SC). Macroscopic study of biodegradation iron based metal implants were material changes examination, evaluation of carat formed, the corrosion rate, and the weight loss. The result showed the greatest damage occurred in Fe, followed by Fe-Cr and last a relatively no damage is SS 316L implant. The subcutaneously implanted material suffered higher damage than the intramuscularly implanted material. The greatest corrosion rate occurred in Fe implant. The corrosion rate of Fe-Cr lower than Fe implant (P<0.05) at the first time of implantation. The weight loss of Fe not significantly differ (P>0.05) as the weight loss of Fe-Cr at the first time of implantation, but its lower than the weight lose of Fe-Cr implant (P<0.05) at the last time of implantation. SS 316L implant not showed the corrosion rate and the weight loss. As a conclusion , Fe and Fe-Cr implants were potentially as implant materials that can be degraded and therefore could be use for medical applications.en
dc.titlePengamatan Makroskopis Biodegradasi Implan Logam Berbahan Dasar Besi pada Menciten
dc.subject.keywordiron based metal implanten

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