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dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Yayat
dc.contributor.advisorWahjunie, Enni Dwi
dc.contributor.authorDeliana, Hadianti
dc.description.abstractSoil infiltration rate is influenced by soil bulk density, texture, and soil porosity. Degradation of soil physic characteristics will decrease soil infiltration rate, therefore will be increases surface runoff. The aim of the research was to identify soil physic characteristics, soil infiltration rate, and surface runoff in Upper Cisadane Watershed. Soil infiltration rate was measured using double ring infiltrometer on pine forest, shrubs and bush, mixed garden, and settlement areas. The result shows that a highest soil bulk density (lowest of soil porosity) were found on settlement areas where as the lowest soil bulk density (highest of soil porosity) were on mixed garden. Mixed garden has a highest of soil infiltration rate i.e 285 mm/h (very fast), where as the lowest soil infiltration rate was found on pine forest of 110 mm/h (medium to fast). Stream discharge of Upper Cisadane River was fluctuated with maximum and minimum discharges were 8.63 m3/s and 0.13 m3/s respectively. The value of coefficient of stream regime was 66.31 and runoff coefficient was 0.22. Based on those value, hydrology function of Upper Cisadane Watershed was classified in medium to good qualities.en
dc.titleKarakteristik Fisik Tanah, Infiltrasi, dan Aliran Permukaan DAS Cisadane Huluen
dc.subject.keywordsoil physics characteristicsen
dc.subject.keywordsoil infiltrationen
dc.subject.keywordland useen

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