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dc.contributor.advisorAlikodra, Hadi S.
dc.contributor.advisorRamono, Widodo S.
dc.contributor.authorEvnike, Maria Febe
dc.description.abstractLangkap is a plant that invades on javan rhino habitat. Thus, a proper control management of langkap needs to be carried out by using logging method. Research study in the effect of langkap control management of the plant composition is done to determine effectiveness of logging methods. Research had been conducted during in June 2013 at Kalejetan Resort, Selokan Bayun- Seuseupan Block, Ujung Kulon National Park. Data were collected using vegetation analysis in eight plots of control management to monitor the diversity of plants, and also to monitor 53 control plots to find out the correlation between javan rhino visitations and langkap control management. Based on the result of the research, cut-leave logging method is the best method to conduct. Furthermore, by eliminating seedling and sapling of langkap will also increase the diversity number of javan rhino food plants. Increasing numbers of javan rhino visitation on the sites known related to the growing levels of javan rhino food plants.en
dc.titlePengaruh Pengendalian Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia) Terhadap Komposisi Tumbuhan Pakan Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros sondaicusen
dc.subject.keywordUjung Kulon National Park.en
dc.subject.keywordjavan rhinoen
dc.subject.keywordcontrol managementen

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