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dc.contributor.advisorSandra, Edhi
dc.contributor.advisorMeilani, Resti
dc.contributor.authorFatria, Brigita Laura
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to develop a general plan of orchids interpretive trail at Eden Park Tourism Forest (EPTF). Data was collected through literature review, interviews, distribution of questionnaires, and field observations. Inventory of the region showed that orchid plants were easily found in all four observation trails, with a total of 51 species from 29 genera. Visitors of EPTF was dominated by male visitors (63%) with majority of age group of 20-30 years (48%). Most visitors (64%) preferred trail 1 as interpretive trail for orchids. Trail 1 was then chosen as the trail to be developed into interpretive trail based on its characteristics suitability for such trails, its orcgids potentials, and visitors preference toward the trail. Planning of interpretive trail included program planning, and supporting facilities planning. The programs were developed under the following themes: Paphiopedilum tonsum orchid is very rare species, so it must be protected for its existence and cultivation is one of the activity for orchid plant preservation.en
dc.titlePerencanaan Jalur Interpretasi Anggrek di Hutan Wisata Taman Eden, Toba Samosiren
dc.subject.keywordinterpretive trailen
dc.subject.keywordEden Park Tourism Foresten

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