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dc.contributor.advisorSarma, Ma’mun
dc.contributor.advisorKusumastanto, Tridoyo
dc.description.abstractThe Regency of Anambas Islands is characterized mostly by sea area, which covers 98.65 percent of the total region and its population are mostly fishermen. Therefore, it is considered to apply the concept of regional development through a “Minapolitan” program. The objectives of this study are to: 1) identify potential fishery resources and 2) to formulate alternative strategies for the regional development through a minapolitan approach. The methods of analyses used were Descriptive Analysis, Analysis of Location Quotient (LQ), Analysis of External Factors Evaluation (EFE) and Internal Factors Evaluation (IFE), and Strenghts Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Analysis (SWOT), and to determine strategic priorities, it used an Analysis of Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). The analysis showed that there are fishery resources potential for further development but constraint by infrastructure and facilities. Based on the distribution of Gross Regional Domestic Pruduct (GRDP) at current market prices including oil and gas, the study showed that the fishery sector contributed an average of 13.62 percent, whereas without oil and gas it is accounted for an average of 57.68 percent. Thus, the fishery sector can be concluded to be the leading sector having the potential for development because it provides a very large contribution to the growth of the regional economy. Further, more based on the calculation of LQ for GRDP (2008-2010) with oil and gas included, the LQ value of fishery sub-sector was on average 3.84 and without oil and gas the average value was 15.05. Thus, it can be concluded that based on the GRDP with or without oil and gas, the fishery sub-sector is the basic or leading sector with a comparative advantage that can be developed in order to provide a major contribution to the economic growth of the region, especially for the welfare of the communities. The results of internal and external factor analyses based on the IFE-EFE and SWOT matrix result 6 (six) formulated alternatif strategies. Finally, based on the QSPM matrix, a priority was obtained in terms of the order of prioritized strategies that are necessary for the Regency Government of Anambas Islands namely: a) to build the infrastruture for the marine and fishery sector to support the “minapolitan” program, b) to improve planning or studies in developing marine and fishery sector, c) to prioritize programs to support the “minapolitan” program, d) to improve assistantship and capacity building for fishermen, e) to set up Anambas as a minapolitan region through central goverment regulations, and f) to build cooperation network with various parties.en
dc.titleRegional Development Strategy through “Minapolitan” Approach in the Regency of Anambas Islandsen
dc.subject.keywordRegional developmenten
dc.subject.keywordSWOT and QSPMen

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