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dc.contributor.advisorWahyudi, Imam
dc.contributor.advisorPriadi, Trisna
dc.contributor.authorPurnawati, Renny
dc.description.abstractBasic- and processing properties of Flindersia pimenteliana F. v. Muell woods from natural forest in Wondama Bay, West Papua were studied comprehensively in order to analyze its proper utilization. The study was carried out by following standards of Deutsche Institute Fuer Normung (DIN), Bristish (BS), Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI), Indonesia (SNI) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The results showed that maniani wood has decorative figure, white sapwood to pinkish and reddish brown heartwood, fine texture, straight grain, lustrous, good smell, moderately soft and light. Its fiber was classified in to class II. Green moisture content was 57.00% and specific gravity was 0.61, while tangential and radial shrinkages were 2.48% and 1.21%, respectively. MOE was 108839.40 kg cm-2, while MOR, compressive strength parallel to grain, hardness, shear strength, tension- and cleavage strengths were 817.43 kg cm-2, 426.33 kg cm-2, 435.75 kg cm-2, 135.71 kg cm-2, 111.60 kg cm-2 dan 16.96 kg cm-2, respectively. The extractives content in cold water, hot water, NaOH 1% and ethanol benzene were 4.82%, 7.17%, 16.42%, and 4.30%, respectively. The contents of holo-cellulose, α-selulosa, lignin, ash and silica were 82.91%, 45.54%, 24.74%, 0.50% and 0.15%, respectively. Natural resistances to subterranean termite, dry-wood termite and decay fungi were classified into V (poorly resistant), I (very resistant) and II (moderately resistant), respectively. Preservative application treatment using cold soaking method showed that its retention was 0.97 kg m-3, while penetrations of copper and boron were 0.72 mm dan 3.69 mm, respectively. The wood was good in drying quality with temperature of 50 ºC – 80 ºC and RH 80% – 30%. Properties of planning, turning and boring were good, while moulding and sanding properties were very good. Finishing properties were generally good except for resistance to soap solution and sauce. Based on these properties studied, it could be recommended that maniani wood is suitable for wood craft, furniture, mouldings and interior construction purposes.en
dc.titleBasic- and processing properties of maniani (Flindersia pimenteliana F. v. Muell) wood from wondama bay, West Papuaen
dc.subject.keywordFlindersia pimenteliana F.v. Muellen
dc.subject.keywordwood propertiesen
dc.subject.keywordwood processing propertiesen
dc.subject.keywordwood utilizationen

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