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dc.contributor.advisorRushayati, Siti Badriyah
dc.contributor.advisorMasyud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.authorIrmawati, Wahyu
dc.description.abstractGembira Loka zoo produce liquid waste into Gajahwong river wasted and cause the possibility of lowering the water quality in Gajahwong river. The research was carried out in 3 point located in Gajahwong river and 1 point liquid waste disposal point Gembira Loka zoo in May-June of 2013. Analysis liquid waste based on the Governor of DIY number 7 of 2010, while water quality of the Gajahwong river uses water quality index (IKA) with 9 test parameters, BOD, DO, TDS, temperature, pH, nitrates, phosphates, fecal coliform and turbidity. Water quality include the categories medium, and there are a few parameters that exceeded the Agency's water quality standard class 2. Water quality degradation was allegedly derived from various sources pollutant. Contribution Gembira Loka zoo doesn't give significant effects in the water quality of river because of the experience dissolving organic in river, as well as supported by the results of the test liquid waste under the raw quality.en
dc.titleManajemen Limbah Cair Buangan Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka dan Dampaknya terhadap Kualitas Air Sungai Gajahwongen
dc.subject.keywordwater quality.en
dc.subject.keywordwater quality indexen
dc.subject.keywordliquid wasteen

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