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dc.contributor.advisorHadi, Upik Kesumawati
dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Yanida Yusup
dc.description.abstractThe presence of ectoparasites is one of the obstacles faced by the layer poultry farm. Losses caused by ectoparasites infestation were large enough, such as the decreasing of egg production. Control measures were mostly done by using insecticides. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of cypermethrin in controlling Menopon gallinae lice infestations by spraying method in laying hens. A total of 51 lice infested laying hens obtained from commercial farms in Ciseeng, Bogor were grouped into fives. Four groups were treated by the cypermethrin, and the rest of the group as a control treated by water. Each group consisted of three chickens, and treated by cypermethrin spraying with four replications. The concentration of cypermethrin for each groups were 0.5 g/L, 0.375 g/L, 0.25 g/L, and 0.125 g/L. Lice were identified and calculated by using the counter. Lice observations were done three times i.e before treatment, 24, and 5 48 hours after cypermethrin treatments. The result showed that the lice found only one species M. gallinae with the largest distribution in the breast region (89.93%). The effect of cypermethrin treatment in different concentration levels showed that the reduction of lice infestations were not significantly differents (p>0.05). The concentration of cypermethrin 0.125-0.5 g/L was effectively to control lice in laying hens by spraying method (reduction values 66.35-100% at 24 hours after treatment).en
dc.titleEfektivitas Sipermetrin terhadap Kutu Menopon galiinae dengan Metode Penyemprotan pada Ayam Peteluren
dc.subject.keywordlaying hensen
dc.subject.keywordM. gallinaeen

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