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Strategi Pengelolaan Kepentingan Para Pihak Terhadap Upaya Kebijakan Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan Di Kabupaten Bogor

dc.contributor.advisorKolopaking, Lala M.
dc.contributor.advisorBaga, Lukman M.
dc.contributor.authorRahmawan, Yudhi
dc.description.abstractSustainable protection of food crop land is an effort in the control of the high rate of agricultural land conversion to non-agricultural land, which is also related to food security and sovereignty. Further, farmland has very strategic roles and functions for the Indonesian people who are agrarian as there are a large number of Indonesian people whose lives depend on agriculture. Along with the implementation of regional autonomy, local governments are given the authority to manage the development of agriculture as their local potential in synergy with the authorities of central government. Food security program is still the focus of local governments as long as the food sufficiency level in the region has not yet reached a hundred percent. The resulted identification of policies related to sustainable agricultural land protection shows that the policies at the national level refer to Law No. 41/2009 on Sustainable Protection of Food Crop Land, supported by four government regulations. The use of a binary logistic method showed that of the five controlling aspects contained in Law No. 41/2009 on the Protection of Agricultural Land, the mechanism aspect of giving permit to the parties had a significant impact on the policies of sustainable agricultural land protection. However, the aspects of incentives/disincentives and extension did not significantly affect the policies of sustainable agricultural land protection. The logistic regression output showed that the classification accuracy of the response variable Y (the management of the parties’ interests if sustainable agricultural land is protected with certain requirements of the models obtained from field observations as a whole) was 78.6 percent. Classification accuracy of the response variable in the disapproval category was 31 respondents out of 56 respondents who answered the category 0 (55.4 percent), while the classification accuracy of the response variable in the approval category was 68 respondents out of 70 respondents who answered the response variable with category 1 (97.1 percent). The resulted SWOT analysis showed a number of alternative strategies: namely five aggressive strategies, seven stabilitative/rational strategies, two diversificative strategies and two defensive strategies. Thus, in order to safeguard a sustainable agricultural land, Bogor regency mostly relies on stabilitative/rational strategy and aggressive strategy. On of its alternative strategies is the need for the establishment of Regional Regulation on Sustainable Agricultural Land Protection as joint commitment. The resulted planning of implemented strategies using a road -map strategy can be implemented into 3 policy priorities, namely (a) establishment of permit mechanism, (b) provision of incentives - disincentives, and (c) extension. The Vision and Mission of the Government of Bogor Regency are formulated into development priorities in accordance with the substance of the formula: a) improving socially acceptable behaviors in social life, b) enhancing regional economic competitiveness with emphasis on the revitalization of agriculture and rural-based development, c) improving the infrastructure and sustainable high-quality and integrated accessibility of the region, d) improving the equity and quality of education, e) improving the quality of health care, f) enhancing good governance and performance of local government administration, and g) improving regional development cooperation. The missions that have been formulated, selected and established become the development priorities of the region. By referring to the strategies and common targets in the long-term goals to be achieved and the policies focused on the sustainable agricultural land protection, further programs and activities can be formulated. The policies are implemented through 19 programs and 49 activities in stages of five years.en
dc.titleStrategies in Managing the Interests of Some Parties in the Effort of Sustainable Protection of Food Crop Land in Bogor Regency.en
dc.titleStrategi Pengelolaan Kepentingan Para Pihak Terhadap Upaya Kebijakan Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan Di Kabupaten Bogor
dc.subject.keywordsustainable landen
dc.subject.keywordfood farmingen

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