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Tingkat Kontribusi Pemeliharaan Sumber-sumber Air Minum Masyarakat Perkotaan terhadap di DAS Baubau

dc.contributor.advisorSaleh, Buce
dc.contributor.authorAmin, Nurmin
dc.description.abstractBau-Bau is one small town to being a center of actively carry out the devel9:f!:...ment in various sectors of life. Increasing population and incomes have resul'f!dP in an increase in the demand for clean water. Water supply undertaken by thd{egional Water Company (PDAM) has not been sufficient for society so that t~ need for maintenance of drinking water sources available, it should be done -& addition to search sources of new water to the public water supply fUljilleil. Hence the need for public participation in contributing to that it. The aim ci this study were first, calculate the water needs of households and indusmes in the watershed Baubau, second, identifY potential water sources that have ljen used and which have not been utilized and third, to analyze people's willing!1ess to contribute to the maintenance of drinking water sources and the factor~that influence it. r+ fhe research was conducted in the watershed Baubau, which includes SUbdi!ifrict Wolio, Subdistrict Sorawolio, Subdistrict Betoambari, Subdistrict Murhzin and Subdistrict Kokalukuna since January-March 2012. Types and sourci of data used consisted of primary data ands econdary data. Primary data is da~ obtained directly from the field through observation, surveys, and intervliDws with the public, while the secondary data obtained from the literature or re~rch reports, as well as data related agencies. ~1alysis of domestic and industrial water demand is calculated based on projections, identification of spring-spring which has been utilized and untapped uses descriptive qualitative method. Analysis of people's willingness to contri bute to the maintenance of drinking water sources done by wilingness to pay (WTP), binary logistic regression. Analysis of factors that influence the willingness to contribute using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the water needs of households have incomes low, medium and high, respectively for 8.83 m3/month/ household or 55.43 literslcapita/day, 12. 70 m3/month/ household or 87.11 literslcapita/day and 20.44 m3/monthlhousehold or 126.17 literslcapitalday. The amount of water supplied from ~ entire watershed springs Baubau and utilized by PDAM of 5.99 million m3/yliir. Domestic water demand projections or household can be met by DAS Bau6§ until 2025 amounted to 5.93 million m3/year. Small industrial water demaiJfil of 7.5 m3/day, while the industry is at 21.43 m3/day. Industrial water dema~prOjections up to the year 2030 amounted to 39.5 million m3/year. cttfprings that have been utilized by the taps are Lakatepi springs, Kasombu, Sam~ona with a total intake capacity of 190 liters/sec. Springs are utilized by peop@around the Katopa Topa and Waterfall Samparona. While that has not been ~loited both public taps and water discharge is small because the springs Sulaca:ampung Lama, Waborobo, Sambuana Ladu and cave Lakasa. ruogit regression analysis results indicate that the variables are likely to co'l'lTribute significantly is education, income level and employment. Average C :::J < .C.D, en r""'+- '< 2: 0.. o 0" 3 0- (I) .:.:.J. . c: ;IJ'" o "0 o "0 c: ::J ..... o ::J "0 o "0 (I) ::J £. is· ::J ;IJ'" ~ ;s 0 r+ Q c: r+ .2: 0 c: 0 ::J i: 0 r+ c: 3 0 is .0." individual WTP values of Rp 560.34 per m3and aggregate WTP or WTP population of Rp. 296 384 684 per month, while the multiple linear regression analysis based on the factors affecting WTP is income level.. Society expects continuity and improvement of water quality. Most of the people are willing to contribute to the continuity and improvement of water quality.en
dc.titleContribution Level Of City Communities Toward Maintenance Of Drinking Water Sources In Das Baubauen
dc.titleTingkat Kontribusi Pemeliharaan Sumber-sumber Air Minum Masyarakat Perkotaan terhadap di DAS Baubau
dc.subject.keyworddrinking wateren
dc.subject.keywordwillingness to payen

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