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Penggunaan Ruang oleh Beruang Madu di Areal Konservasi PT. RAPP Estate Meranti

dc.contributor.advisorKartono, Agus Priyono
dc.contributor.advisorArief, Harnios
dc.contributor.authorGusnia, Nur Anita
dc.description.abstractThe malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus Raffles 1821) in Indonesia can only be found on the island of Sumatera and Borneo. Malayan sun bear are experiencing populations and habitat threats either caused by natural or humans disturbance. Malayan sun bear that exist in the conservation area of Meranti Estate needs to be efficiently managed so that this species remain sustainable. Conservation efforts need to be supported by scientific information based on the existence and condition of suitable habitat for this species. This research was conducted in Conservation Area of PT. RAPP Meranti Estate, Pelalawan, Riau from June to July 2012. The objectives of this study were to identify the existence and habitat use of sun bear and also to identify dominant habitat components that determine the presence of sun bear. The methods of this study were vegetation analysis, line transect, field observation and drawing the habitat profile. Vegetation analysis were made in two vegetation type that is Tall Pole Forest (TPF) and Transition Forest (TRF). Sixty seven plant species from thirty families were found in TPF. TPF was dominated by Syzygium inophyllum and Madhuca motleyana. Fifty seven plant species from twenty six families were found in TRF. TRF was dominated by Acmena acuminatissima, S. inophyllum, Mangifera griffithii and Blumeodendron tokbrai. The existence of sun bear determined by indirect encounter survey. Habitat use by sun bear was both on TPF and TRF vegetation type. Sun bear only use trees on their daily activity. Average height and diameter at breast height of the trees that used by sun bear was 20 m and 51 cm. Based on factor analysis, the dominant habitat factors that determined the existence of sun bear were vegetation density, canopy cover, the amount of tree and feeding tree individual, the amount of tree and feeding tree species and the distance from productionen
dc.titleHabitat Use of Malayan Sun Bear at Conservation Area of PT. RAPP Meranti Estate.en
dc.titlePenggunaan Ruang oleh Beruang Madu di Areal Konservasi PT. RAPP Estate Meranti
dc.subject.keyworddominant factorsen
dc.subject.keywordhabitat useen
dc.subject.keywordmalayan sun bearen

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