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dc.contributor.advisorKoesmaryono, Yonny
dc.contributor.authorBanjarnahor, Athink Rikson Kristian
dc.description.abstractScirpophaga incertulas known as the Yellow rice stem borer (PBK) is one of the most attacking pests of rice plants in Indramayu region. One of the factors that influence the presence of this pest is the climatic factor, that were rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature, maximum and minimum Relative humadity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of climate on the population dynamics of Yellow rice stem borer in the district of Indramayu. Life cycle model and estimation of pest populations using simulation models Dymex 3.0. Simulations were performed for four years from 2009-2012. Results of simulation models have been able to give a fairly good prediction. Model simulations also indicate that the pest population peaks occurred in the dry months with low rainfall intensity and pest population decreases as a result of high rainfall washed away by rain. This is also supported by the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) between the validation results of outcomes population of model Dymex and observations by 64%. Different climatic influences on the development and the presence of pests PBK. Temperature and rainfall are the most important factor in the progression and mortality of pest PBKen
dc.titleAnalisis Iklim dan Dinamika Populasi Hama Penggerek Batang Padi Kuning di Indramayu dengan Menggunakan Model Simulasi Dymex 3.0en
dc.subject.keywordScirpophaga incertulasen

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