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dc.contributor.advisorMulyani, Yeni Aryati
dc.contributor.advisorHernowo, Jarwadi Budi
dc.description.abstractGreat Argus (Argusianus argus) is a member of large birds in the Phasianidae that more often use primary forest and its distribution includes Malaysia, Borneo, and Sumatra. The purpose of this research is to study and describe the behaviour of the great Argus and identify patterns of behavior in several types of habitat (primary forests, riparian, and former fire). Behavior was observed by using focal animal sampling and one-zero sampling methods, that are then analyzed using persentage of behavior. The encounter of Great argus only occurred in primary and riparian habitat. Daily behavior obtained consisted of seven behavior, those are: epimeletic behavior (probe) (32,26%), vocal behavior (31.48%), investigative behavior (18.07%), foraging (9,19%), walking (6,82%), resting (1.87%), and sexual behavior (0.31%).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectresearch stationen
dc.subjectway canguen
dc.subjectgreat argusen
dc.titleSebaran dan Pola Perilaku Kuau raja (Argusianus argus) di Stasiun Penelitian Way Canguk, Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS)en

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