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dc.contributor.advisorMasy’ud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.advisorMardiastuti, Ani
dc.description.abstractJavan Gibbon is a protected animal based on PP RI no. 7 1999. The problems in nature habitat are fragmentation, illegal logging, illegal hunting and illegal trade. One of the ex-situ conservation effort is by building Javan Gibbon Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. Feed management in conservation institution is needed in order to choose feed priority by seeing the palatability and nutrition intake. The purpose of this research are to identify the palatability, nutrient intake and the relation beetween diet menu with the amount of feed election, feed consumption, and energy intake. Focal animal sampling and restricted feeding are used by giving two different diet menu. The first rank of palatability is banana for the first menu and the second menu. The amount of the energy intake from the first menu is 327.47 kcal and from the second menu is 351.27 kcal. There is no significant deferences between diet menu with the mount of feed selection, feed consumption and energy intake.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectnutrient intakeen
dc.subjectjavan gibboen
dc.subjectfeed consumptionen
dc.subjectDiet menuen
dc.titleStudi Pakan Owa jawa (Hylobates moloch Audebert 1798) di Pusat Penyelamatan dan Rehabilitasi Satwa Javan Gibbon Center (JGC)en

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