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dc.contributor.advisorPanuju, Dyah R.
dc.contributor.advisorTrisasongko, Bambang H.
dc.contributor.authorKaryati, Nur Etika
dc.description.abstractIncreasing population and regional development lead to soaring demand of land, despite the resource is limitedly available. The increase urges land use conversion to cater the interest of parties. Uncontrolled agricultural land conversion to other uses poses detrimental impacts in economic, social as well as environmental deterioration, which in turn requires a substantial cost. Therefore, land conversion needs to be tightly regulated. This research aims to observe the dynamics of land use change, to analyze the affecting factors, to predict and assess 2013 land use through Markov Chain analysis and to identify the role of stakeholders in controlling land use in Klaten Regency. It was shown that paddy fields and upland decreased by 1 425.37 (2.04%) and of ha 290.47 ha (0.41%) during the research period (1995-2009). On the other hand, waterbody, mixture-uses and settlements experienced an increase of 28.47 ha (0.04%), 13 ha (0.03%), 1 669.03 ha (2.38%) respectitively. Extensive forests and open land remains on 1 854.70 ha (2.65%) and 103.61 ha (0.15%) throughout the period of analysis. In general, factors affecting land use change are the distance to the city centre, slope, soil type, population, social and economical facilities growth. The pseudo squared distance (Nagelkerke) was R2 0.78%. Markov Chain generated accuracy at 82.67% for land use prediction. Moreover, to control land use of Klaten Regency, stakeholders believed that permits mechanism was the most important aspect at 38% of weight, followed by monitoring (33.73%) and curbing (28.25%). According to stakeholders, land utilization control required participation of governments (33.99%), people (19%), higher education (19%), NGO (18.87%) and private (16%).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectlogistic regressionen
dc.subjectland utilization controlen
dc.subjectland use changeen
dc.subjectlanduse modellingen
dc.subjectMarkov chainen
dc.subjectAnalytic hierarchy process (AHP)en
dc.titleDinamika Pola Penggunaan Lahan dan Pengendalian Perubahannya di Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengahen

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