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Studi kohabitasi penggunaan ruang Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) dengan Surili (Presbytis comata Desmarest, 1822) Di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai Provinsi Jawa Barat

dc.contributor.advisorSantosa, Yanto
dc.contributor.advisorBambang W, Novianto
dc.description.abstractThe Information on the use of space and the utilization of species feed resource which is critical cohabitating to the wildlife conservation. Primate studies have successfully demonstrated obvious difference regarding the selection of feed and the utilization of the habitat in the recess. This research aimed at 1 ) finding out the use patterns of space by Javan Lutung (T.Auratus ) and Surili ( P.Comata ) 2 ) finding out the broad-ecological niches (niche breadth ) Javan Lutung (T.Auratus ) and Surili (P.Comata) 3 ) finding out the overlapping ecological niches ( niche overlap ecology ) Javan Lutung (T.Auratus ) and Surili ( P.Comata ) This study has been carried out in October 2012 until February 2013. This study calculates the amount of interspesific degrees association between Javan Lutung and Surili by using Index Jaccard. Collecting data is completed by direct observation and interview with the field agents. The method used in this study is focal animal sampling on the estimated site of Javan Lutung, Surili as well as the regional that cohabitation happened between Javan Lutung and Surili in TNGC. The samplings of this study are Javan Lutung, Surili, and trees that are used either individually or simultaneously. The equipments used in this study are TNGC map, Shunto compass, 1 piece of binoculars 8x21 Konica, 1 hagameter, 1 GPS receiver Garmin Maps 76 CSX, 1 piece of meter ribbon, 2 phiban, 1 digital camera Olympus E420, 1 stopwatch, rope software Arcview 3.3 and SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results of the analysis and discussion show that distribution of spatial activity in spatial dimensions are the average of horizontal space on T.auratus ranges 5,14 ha, and on P.comata 5,31 ha. The Broad range of P.Comata is larger than the broad range of T.Auratus, it is caused by the existence of the feed resources P.Comata (75 types) is smaller than those kinds of feed T.Auratus ( 82 types ) that cause motion P.Comata in finding feed will be further than movement of T.Auratus.Whereas the utilization of vertical space of average height that utilized by T. Auratus is 27,72 m, while the average altitude is utilized by P. Comata is 27.5 m.The use of vertical space by T. Auratus and S. Comata have in common. This is related to the existence of a source of feed on the feed tree canopy strata. It is known that the two species of primate is a species of leafeaters. The calculation of ecological niches wide (Niche Breadth) in the use of feed resources by T. Auratus is 0,7811 on a real level (95% confidence interval), lower and upper boundary value of FT. T. Auratus is 0,7090 < FT < 0,8439 while broad ecological niche of P. Comata is 0,7615 value of FT. P. Comata is 0,6834 on a real level (95% confidence interval), the lower and upper limit has value of FT. P. Comata is 0,6834 < FT < 0,8298. The broad ecological niches of T. Auratus is larger than the broad ecological niches of P. Comata. The calculation of the value of the niche area of feed resources by taking into account that is used by both species. The magnitude of overlapping ecological niche (Niche overlap ecology) T. Auratus and S. Comata species is 0,999. The overlap of the niche (niche overlape) occurred because of the use of feed resource by both species have much in common. However, in the use of the identical feed resources is done alternately with different time periods so that no conflicts between T. Auratus and P. Comata.en
dc.subjectNational Park Mt.Ciremaien
dc.titleThe Study of Cohabitation In The Use of Spaces P.comata (Trachypithecus Auratus) with Surili (Presbytis Comata Desmarest, 1822) on Mount Ciremai National Park.en
dc.titleStudi kohabitasi penggunaan ruang Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) dengan Surili (Presbytis comata Desmarest, 1822) Di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai Provinsi Jawa Barat

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