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dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Firman
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Nadya Elsanoviany
dc.description.abstractHerb plants may have more than one efficacies and a certain efficacy may belong to more than one herb plants. It shows a relationship among herb plants and their efficacies. Data of herb plants and their efficacies are represented in the text form, so it will take a lot of time to understand and analyse the meaning of text data. This research applies graph visualization in order to investigate the relationships of herb plants and their efficacies. Herb plants and efficacies are represented in nodes which are represented in different colors and the relationships between efficacies and herb plants are represented in edges. It is determined by the weight of an edge connecting two nodes of efficacies. This research applies Fruchertman-Reingold algorithm. This algorithm produced a graph which can visualize the relationship among herb plants and their efficacies. The graph was implemented in a web based application to help users exploring the data on the graph and to uncover patterns.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectrelationship graphen
dc.subjectherb plantsen
dc.titleVisualisasi Keterhubungan Tanaman Obat dengan Khasiatnya Menggunakan Algoritme Fruchterman-Reingolden

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