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Perkembangan Embrio Sapi setelah Fertilisasi Menggunakan Metode Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) dan Aktivasi dengan Strontium

dc.contributor.advisorFahrudin, Mokhamad
dc.contributor.advisorBoediono, Arief
dc.contributor.authorGunawan, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is an in vitro fertilization method by injecting single sperm into oocyte cytoplasmic. The mechanic treatment on ICSI causes the sperm less optimal in oocytes activation. The oocyte activation after ICSI using strontium has a purpose to improve in vitro development of bovine embryo. The first experiment was conducted to find out the development of parthenogenetic embryo result using different strontium concentration for 6 hours. The second experiment was conducted to find out the influence of combination ICSI and strontium activation in order to find out pronucleous development. Combination ICSI and 20 mM of strontium increased development to pronucleous stage 2-PN up to 43,59%. The third experiment is to evaluate the in vitro development of embryo after ICSI followed by strontium activation. The development of embryo after ICSI treatment and 20 mM strontium up to 2-4 cells was 50,5%, 8-16 cells was 43,73%, and blastosyst was 15,63%. The conclusion of the experiments is the fertilization by ICSI method followed by activation using strontium 20 mM gives better results of bovine in vitro embryo development.en
dc.subjectbovine embryoen
dc.titleThe Development of Bovine Embryo after Fertilization by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Method and Strontium Activationen
dc.titlePerkembangan Embrio Sapi setelah Fertilisasi Menggunakan Metode Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) dan Aktivasi dengan Strontium

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