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dc.contributor.advisorNurhadryani, Yani
dc.contributor.authorKhotimah, Husnul
dc.description.abstractBreakfast contributes 25% daily energy requirements for morning activity. Breakfast can maximize absorption and improve concentration of student at school. Therefore, the breakfast habits should be taught since children. Based on previous study, 36.4% of elementary students have breakfast less than 4 times a week, there are even students never have breakfast. The main reason why students do not have breakfast based on that previous study, is due to no appetite from students. In addition, the quality of breakfast on elementary students is still low. Therefore, meal planning system developed specifically for breakfast that provide breakfast recommendations according to user preferences and also optimize daily energy needs. In developing this system, the prefernces of the user are required in order to change the attitudes and practices of unhealthy consumption. The method to optimize the daily energy needs is genetic algorithms. The system developed on Android-based. Result from this researchen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectelementary studentsen
dc.subjectmeal planning systemen
dc.subjectgenetic algorithmsen
dc.titleMobile Breakfast-Nutrition: Sistem Rekomendasi Menu Sarapan Seimbang untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasaren

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