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dc.contributor.advisorWahyudi, Imam
dc.contributor.authorAugustina, Sarah
dc.description.abstractWood is a very variable substance, with differences occurring among species and genera, within a species as well as within each individual tree because of a metabolism product. Wood variability becomes higher if the stem contains tension wood. The purpose of this study was to analyze anatomical structure, fiber quality and some physical properties of Alphitonia excelsa tension wood and compare them to those of the opposite one. Demarcation between juvenile and mature wood will also be assessed based on their fiber length, wood density, and microfibril angle. The results showed that there are differences in anatomical characteristics, physical properties, and the quality of the wood fibers between tension wood and opposite wood, except for fiber length, texture, color, grain, odour and taste, rays, perforation plate, and porosity. Average microfibril angle in tension wood was 23.81º, while in opposite wood was 26.23º in average. Moisture content, wood density, and specific gravity on tension wood region tended to be 6.5%, 11.63% and 13.16% higher than those of its opposite wood region.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectjuvenile wooden
dc.subjectwood variationen
dc.subjectAlphitonia excelsaen
dc.subjectopposite wooden
dc.subjecttension wooden
dc.titleKarakteristik Struktur Anatomi Bagian Kayu Tarik dan Kayu Opposite pada Kayu Balik Angin (Alphitonia excelsa)en

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