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dc.contributor.advisorAvenzora, Ricky
dc.contributor.advisorSunarminto, Tutut
dc.contributor.authorPratiekto, Priyono Eka
dc.description.abstractSpiritual tourism is a growing tourism phenomenon at Ujung Kulon National Park. Identification of demand and its potential impacts become important to define eco-spiritual tourism development strategy for the ecologically high-sensitive national park. Study on pilgrimage site visitors within the park shows that they were motivated to know history, know ancestors, and seek help for career and business excellence; and also have minimum concern on tourism facilities and services. While, study on local people and park manager shows that spiritual tourism activities are tought to have moderate impact on economical and socio-cultural aspect of local people, as well as its relation on park management policy. The concept of eco-geo-spiritual-tourism is proposed from the study to maintain optimum balanced point between visitor needs, benefit for local society and the park sustainability.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectUjung Kulon National Parken
dc.subjecttourism development strategyen
dc.subjectrecreation demanden
dc.subjecteco-spiritual tourismen
dc.titleStudi Permintaan Rekreasi dan Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata Spiritual di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulonen

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