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dc.contributor.advisorThohari, Achmad Machmud
dc.contributor.advisorMasyud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.authorHaristyaningrum, Dita
dc.description.abstractJavan gibbon is one of the endemic wildlife in Javan whose endangered. The potency of javan gibbon reproduction whose monogamy is low. One criteria of reintroduction and a release pair of Javan gibbon are succeeding in reproduction. Research is doing in Javan Gibbon Center for 2 pairs of Javan Gibbon, that is Robin-Moni and Asep-Dompu. The aims of this research is to know the suited javan gibbon couple and watch the sign of breeding tendency of javan gibbon. Observe use scan sampling method and record with one-zero sampling for daily activity and ad-libitum method for breeding behavior. The result of this research is indicate that Asep-Dompu has closer than Robin-Moni. It shows from pair association whose doing by Asep-Dompu, like allogrooming, sleep together, and feed sharing. Breeding activity is not observed in this research from 2 pairs of javan gibbon, but the sign whose indicate to occur copulation was detected.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectreadiness of releaseen
dc.subjectjavan gibbonen
dc.subjectbreeding behavioren
dc.titleAnalisis Kesiapan Pasangan Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch Audebert, 1798) untuk Pelepasliaran Ditinjau dari Perilaku Kawin di Javan Gibbon Centeren

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