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dc.contributor.advisorLelana, R P Agus
dc.contributor.authorhidayat, Veki
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to analyze the lameness locomotion scoring of dairy cattle and its correlation to inflammation process. One hundred dairy cattles from local farmers at KPSBU Lembang Bandung District were used. Scoring was determined through visual observation on every locomotion apparatus of each individual dairy cattle. The score of lameness intensity was scaled from 1 to 5, which 1 was reflected normal condition and 5 was reflected severe lameness condition. Observation and measurement of inflammation was done promptly. Measurement of inflammation was done by rectal thermometer device. Observation of inflammation was done by scaling of local infection signs of calor, dolor, rubor, tumors, and fungsiolesa into four stage categories, include (-), (+), (++), and (+++). The study was yielded that 2% of dairy cattle had moderate lameness and 25% had mild lameness. This lameness had significant correlation with the signs of inflammation (p<0,01). This finding was not have correlation with the result of rectal temperature. Both of lameness score and inflammation sign were not have correlation with lactation periode. However, this study could be used as a consideration in diagnostic practical approach of lameness.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectlameness in dairy cattleen
dc.subjectinflammation signen
dc.subjectlocomotion scoreen
dc.titleSkoring Kepincangan Lokomosi Pada Sapi Perah dan Hubungannya Dengan Peradanganen

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