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dc.contributor.advisorHadi, Upik Kesumawati
dc.contributor.advisorSoviana, Susi
dc.contributor.authorRosvara, Faradisyah Roza
dc.description.abstractChikungunya is a disease which has potentially outbreak in the community. At 2008-2010 there has been a Chikungunya outbreak in Bogor which almost 1.919 cases and in the end of 2010 there has been 41 cases of Chikungunya in Subdistric Pasir Kuda. This study was conducted to measure knowledge, attitudes, and people’s behaviour related to the vector of Chikungunya in Pasir Kuda, and it’s relation to people’s characteristics. Out of 110 respondents were selected randomly, then they were interviewed by using questionares. Questions were consisted of common data of respondent’s characteristic, the knowledge of Chikungunya, the attitude and the people’s behaviour of Chikungunya preventions. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 16.0. The results showed that 110 respodents had a good knowledge, attitude, and behaviour as much as 54%, 90%, and 87%, respectively. The statistics test showed that there were significant difference between the education of respondent to their knowledges (p=0.001,p<0.05), and between the knowledge to their attitudes (p=0.001,p<0.05), but there were not significant difference between the knowledge to their behaviours (p=0.198,p>0.05), and between attitude to their behaviours (p=0.214,p>0.05).en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPasir Kudaen
dc.titlePengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Masyarakat Kelurahan Pasir Kuda Kota Bogor terhadap Vektor Penyakit Chikungunyaen

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