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Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Perikanan Budidaya di Kabupaten Lampung Timur

dc.contributor.advisorGandasasmita, Komarsa
dc.contributor.advisorSudadi, Untung
dc.contributor.authorAmbasari, Lia
dc.description.abstractLampung Timur regency set to minapolitan area in 2010 as the implementation of the strategic plan of The Marine and Fisheries Affairs Ministry to make Indonesia as the largest producer of fishery products in the world in 2015. Planning aquaculture development strategy becomes important so that the existing fishery resources can be utilized optimally and efficiently. The objectives of this study are to identify the prime aquaculture commodities, to evaluate land suitability, mapping the direction of the aquaculture development and planning strategies for developing aquaculture in Lampung Timur regency. Margin value analysis results, productivity trends, harvested area trends, demand analysis and preference analysis shows that the seaweed and green mussel is the pre-eminent commodity in sea farming while vaname, tiger shrimp and milkfish is the pre-eminent commodity in brackish water aquaculture and tilapia, catfish and gurame is the pre-eminent comodities in freshwater aquaculture at Lampung Timur regency.. Land suitability analysis for sea farming activity in East Lampung regency explained that 50.71% of sea area have a very suitable criteria (S1), 23.53% suitable (S2), 24.26% less suitable (S3) and 1.5% are not suitable (N). land suitability analysis for brackish water aquaculture resulted of 14.14% have a very appropriate criteria (S1), 46.21% suitable (S2), 26.89% less suitable (S3) and 12.77% were not suitable (N). While land suitability for the fresh water aquaculture resulted only 0,05% has very suitable criteria (S1), suitable 72.45% (S1), 22.41% less suitable (S3) and 5,09% are not suitable (N). The development of sea farming is directed on marine areas along the coast of Lampung Timur Regency area of 38 871 ha, while for brackish water aquaculture development is directed at two districts namely Labuhan Maringgai and Pasir Sakti with vaname commodity area of 2 966 ha, black tiger shrimp covering 9 880 ha, milkfish area of 3 833 ha and 1 382 Ha of ponds located in coastal border is directed for fishforetry of milkfish or shrimp. Freshwater aquaculture development is directed at an area of 53 304 ha that spreading over 8 districts i.e. Bumi Agung, Batanghari, Sekampung, Raman Utara, Purbolinggo, Way Bungur, Way Jepara, and Jabung, with backyard fishpond pattern for the development of catfish aquaculture, serene ponds water for gurame and mina padi for tilapia development. While bamboo cages and floating cages developed for all three fishes. Alternative strategy that could be pursued are to improve the quality of knowledge-based human resources, improving institutional farmers, improving marketing institutions and improve the provision of facilities and infrastructure.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectprime aquaculture commoditiesen
dc.subjectland suitabilityen
dc.subjectaquaculture developmenten
dc.titleStrategy for Development of Aquaculture Area in Lampung Timur Regencyen
dc.titleStrategi Pengembangan Kawasan Perikanan Budidaya di Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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