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dc.contributor.advisorMuntasib, E.K.S. Harini
dc.contributor.advisorMasy’ud, Burhanuddin
dc.contributor.authorFirridjal, Miftachu
dc.description.abstractNature tourism activities have been done only for recreation so need some innovation so nature tourism activities have some benefit more than recreation. Islamic education has been given to students early normatively in the classroom. The purpose of this study is preparate nature tourism package based islamic education for SMP students in Gunung Walat Forest Education. nature tourism package based Islamic education are prepared by combining the existing potential of nature tourism in HPGW, Islamic educational materials and activities favored SMP students as the target consumers. Several tour packages are arranged in a line like a ca-pal lines 130 - Agahis stands behind the base camp and back to base camp. Some Islamic educational materials that can be integrated with this tourism package the material nature of tyrannical behavior, attitude of gratitude, Allah is planned, Allah is different, stand-alone Allah, Allah is the giver of good lucken
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectGunung Walat education foresten
dc.subjectNature tourism based Islamic educationen
dc.titlePenyusunan Paket Wisata Alam Berbasis Pendidikan Agama Islam Untuk Siswa SMP di Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walaten

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