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dc.contributor.authorIlmy, Finnuril
dc.description.abstractIntegrated watershed landscape management is needed from the upperstream to the downstream watershed to keep the sustainable watershed ecosystem in Kalibekasi watershed area. Research objectives are to identify the characteristics of pekarangan in Kalibekasi upperstream watershed area and to create some recommendation of ecologic pekarangan models. This research use ecological pekarangan indicator approach. In the small and the medium pekarangan, ornamental plants are often founded. Whereas in the large and the extra large pekarangan, non-ornamental plants area often founded. This can be caused by if we want to plant nonornamental plant, larger area is needed. The larger pekarangan size has more function than smaller one, due to it has more diversity of plant function in those pekarangan. Aesthetics function of pekarangan is often founded in the small and the medium pekarangan. This caused by many ornamental plants founded in those pekarangan. On the other hand, economics function is often founded in the large and the extra large pekarangan. Productive plant species will give more additional income. Front yard of pekarangan is usually used for socializing. Side yard usually is used for service area. The backyard is usually used for private area. Pekarangan model made based on ecological pekarangan indicators.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectzoning of pekaranganen
dc.subjectplant stratum diversityen
dc.subjectplant function diversityen
dc.subjectpekarangan sizeen
dc.subjectland use changeen
dc.subjectcritical minimum sizeen
dc.titleModel Pekarangan Ekologis di Hulu DAS Kalibekasi, Kabupaten Bogor.en

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