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Pengembangan Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Besar Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

dc.contributor.advisorMaarif, M Syamsul
dc.contributor.advisorSukmawati, Anggraini
dc.contributor.authorRamly, Amir Tengku
dc.description.abstractTo transform IPB to be the Research Based University (RBU), in addition to provide qualified human resources IPB should also have basic understanding of the priority strategies to achieve its best performance. Proper understanding on the appropriate strategy of professors responsibilities at IPB in teaching, research, and service, will enable IPB to achieve its professors best performance expected. The performance of the professors will be assessed depending on the good performance management, and effective performance management is performance management that focus on achieving performance through strategic management process. The Professors Performance Appraisal System provides professors with meaningful appraisals that encourage professional learning and growth. To understand the proper strategy better quality performance evaluation model is needed. Good performance evaluations are not only used to evaluate the personal ability of employees for compensation purposes, but also to improve the performance of the post-evaluation through the application of appropriate strategies that can improve the performance of the previous. To support the performance, IPB requires a good performance assessment instruments that provide a positive influence. According Mangkuprawira (2011) is a performance appraisal process by the company in evaluating the performance of one's job. The role of Professor to formulize the vision of IPB is very important, therefore their performance will affect greatly on the success such role. To evaluate the professor performance will be determined largely by the good performance management, and effective performance management is performance management that focus on achieving performance through strategic management. Professor as the highest rank in the academic world currently has a good bargaining power, so all faculty members interested in that post. According Kemendikbud (2010) Professor is the highest functional post who has authority in their scientific field, and their duties and obligations are to perform universities Tridarma professionally, intact and proportionate. The details of the activities of the teacher according to Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, are: (1) To oversee the design and development of the overall curricula, and develop and deliver a range of programmes of study at various levels (in the undergraduate program/diploma, masters and PhD), (2) To lead the development and implementation of research strategy for the undergraduate program / diploma, master's or doctoral degree and, (3) carry out community service activities in order tridharma universities on educational programs Bachelor / Diploma, Masters, doctorate or in other activities that support the general governance and development. The objectives of this study were to: (1). Analyze the performance evaluation model is applied to the performance of lecturers IPB; and (2) formulate alternative strategies most impact on improving the performance of the teacher IPB. It was expected that study would be beneficial for: (1). As the basic and consideration for the Directorate of Human Resources of IPB in establishing the strategy for Human Resources performance improvement; and (2). As the basic and foundation for advanced researchers associated with the theme of this research. The scope of the study was limited among the professors and at the IPB campus environment. The study was conducted by using a model of the structure of the AHP approach (Analytical Hierarchy Process) with Expert Choice software as an approach to look at the structure and priority strategic alternatives. Both the primary and secondary data were utilized for this study. Primary data were obtained as the result of interview of 11 experts who have capabilities in performance management and an understanding of the role and duties of professors. While the secondary data were obtained from literature, journals, books, reports and modules available at the Directorate of Human Resources of IPB. The experiment was carried out for 6 months at IPB from October 2012 - March 2013. The study revealed that there were the three most important alternative strategies to increase the performance of professors of IPB namely: (1). Selfdevelopment capacity (0,255); (2). Transformational leadership (0.185); and (3). Organizational culture (0.182). Capacity development strategy was the most important priority for increasing the performance of the IPB professors (24.6%), whereas transformational leadership (18.8%) and organizational culture (18.4%) were the next priorities which will be synergically applied through the university policies. These policies must be implemented as part of the Key Performance Indicators for faculty members of IPB, specifically for human resources development of educators at IPB. The results also showed that the improvement of the professors' performance is strongly influenced by the Chairman of Department with a weight of priority value 0.352, with the highest priority on the educational factor (0.503), and leading indicators on the development of teaching materials (0.235), as well as the main alternative strategies in the self-development of capacity building (0.246). Factorials in the study, to become the main indicator was the publication of scientific articles for both local and international (0.512). Whereas for the dedication factor, the key indicator was the dissemination of their findings / works / technology inventions (0.307). Managerial implications which might be designed by IPB for the development of its professors will be carried in following programs: (1). The development of motivation, self-confidence and strong commitment; (2). The development of knowledge and skills of science and the field of social networking; and (3). The provision of channel for professors to access and publish their intellectual property rights / patents of their works. Motivation development, confidence and commitment of professors should be geared into more extraversion personality, openness to experience, and to be more conscientiousness, whereas the improvement of their knowledge and skills in their own respective disciplines and social networking, the IPB professors are directed to be generalists in a particular specialism, they should be broad-minded figures with expertise-based scientists. IPB should apply in leadership style transformational leadership through the development of behavior (1) inspirational motivation, and (2) intellectual stimulation. While the implementation of organizational culture, IPB needs to prioritize its cultural behavior as follows: (1). The development of an attitude of responsibility; (2). Commitment; (3). Disseminate conceptual and complex ideas to a wide variety of audiences using appropriate media and methods to promote academic excellence.en
dc.subjectanalytical hierarchy processen
dc.subjectIPB professor,en
dc.titleThe Development of Strategy for the Performance Improvement of Professors of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).en
dc.titlePengembangan Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Besar Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

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